Question Responses

These are the responses we received to the Questionnaire we sent out for the 40th Reunion.  We are not going to send out another questionnaire, but if you have anything you would like to share, please e-mail me and I will add it to this page.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I am an avid hunter and fisherman, but I guess the craziest thing we do is alligator hunt through the wildlife and fisheries lottery.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Hmmmmm ... staying married 35 years is one.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A. The trip to NY during Thanksgiving and the fun pep rallies.

Q. What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Ride and race motorcycles in places like the Dragons Back in Deals Gap, NC.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  With just a mere HS diploma from Istrouma High School, I have managed the building of chemical plants for Dow.  Now I manage the procurement for all capital projects performed in the State of Louisiana.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Pep Rallies.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  At the age of 36, I married a fellow Istrouma graduate, Randy Wells (Class of '69).

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Earned 3 Education Degrees from LSU and earned some teacher awards over the years.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The closeness of all teachers, students and family members to attend school functions, especially sports and academic events.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. Joe Green - American History teacher.  He made history come alive and helped me to discern that I truly wanted to become a Social Studies teacher.  I did teach especially American History for many years. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I married the most amazing man (Ross Maggio).  Our wedding was at the Louisiana State Penetiary where he was the Warden.  During our wedding reception, I had to wait for him to catch an inmate who escaped.  Also experienced a hostage situation at my home on the prison grounds. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A. Being able to stay home with my son until he was in the 5th grade; going back to college at the ripe old age of 34 and graduating at 38; teaching in the best school district (Zachary Community School System); being able to retire and spend lots and lots of time with my grandbabies (2 year old twins).

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  Having so many friends; being able to go to the same high school that my mother went to and having some of the same teachers (Mrs. Haddox and Ms. Annie Stewart).

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Coach Drummond - piqued my interest in Civics/History/Economics, which led me to teach Middle School Louisiana and American History. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  (Terry's husband of 35 years, Wayne Sanders, passed away on February 17, 2010).  It's too early to think of me, I have always thought of us as a pair, through all of his illnesses.  I can't think yet of being only one, I hope I never do.  My greatest accomplishment is being his caregiver for 24 years.  We beat the odds for many years, the one we couldn't beat was Cholangiocharcinoma (bile duct cancer).  We lost, it won.  It is so rare - the ratio is 1 to 100,000 cases of cancer.  Wouldn't you know that my husband would be that one. 

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  The teacher I believe influenced me the most was Mrs. Alford, English III.  She was tough but she really cared about her students. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Zip, nada, nothing.  (Angie, I know for a fact that is not true.  mrp)

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Mary Clare Skaggs - I just loved her to pieces.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Packed my car and left for California.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years? 
A.  Nothing adventurous, but I have traveled a little for business and personal reasons.  I have visited all the countries in Europe with numerous trips to some.  I have also visited several South American countries for business.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I have started three business from scratch and sold two of those businesses.  The last one was sold to Halliburton in June 2008.  I am now looking for another idea so that I can start one more.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  I have many memories, but none are of anything special.  Just day to day stuff that for some reason sticks in my mind.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Coach Carter.

Q.  How far will you be traveling to attend the Reunion?
A.  45 miles and a lifetime. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  That I can talk about?  "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went 2.7 seconds on a bull names Fu Manchu.  And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying.  And he said someday I hope you get the chance to live like you are dying."  (Tim McGraw)  I guess that's how I'd sum it up. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  A wife, mother and a grandmother.  And I have been a high school drama teacher for 33 years ... 'nuff said!  (oh, shades of Spence McClain!).

Q.  Do you know of any achievements, accomplishments or honors one of our classmates might have, but might be too modest to mention?
A.  Debbie Ward was runner-up in the Miss America Pageant!

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL GAMES!!  I remember a play-off game at East Ascension High School in Gonzales.  I had the flu, but I was determined to go!  I loaded up a bunch of friends in my parents' panel van and headed for the "wilds" of Gonzales (now a BR suburb)!  By the time I got there, I was so sick I couldn't get out of the van ...  I curled up on the floor while everyone else went in the stadium and I listened to the roar of the crowd!  I'm still a high school football fanatic - just ask my students!

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Probably Spence McClain because he encouraged my differences.  He believed in the individuality of the student - a lesson I have carried over into my teaching career.  I understand when he retired he went on to run an Arabian Horse Farm ... my husband has been showing and training Arabian horses for the public since 1986, and my daughter is a certified riding instructor.  Parallel lives? 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  In June of 2014, my husband and two of our girls and their husbands made a pilgrimage to Scotland.  We flew into Dublin and stayed there a couple of days, then flew to Edinburgh where we stayed for a week.  One day we took a train up to Aviemore, then rented a car (with the steering wheel and gear shift on the wrong side) and drove up into the highlands to the little village of Tomintoul where Jimmie's great-great-grandfather Alexander McHardy had been born and was buried.  We found the cottage where he was born, and located his grave in the little church cemetery.  Then we drove a little farther up the mountain and found Alexander's farm, which was called "Calier".  A few days later we hired a driver (renting a car and driving ourselves up to Tomintoul had been a big mistake) who took us to Northumberland England to visit the Percy castle, Alnwick.  The Percys have been in residence there since the 1300's.  The outdoor scenes of the Harry Potter movies were filmed there.  The whole trip was a great family experience for Jimmie and our girls. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  My most vivid high school memories almost all involve my best friend,  Linda Turner.  I mostly remember her swinging by to pick me up in her brother's red Impala convertible, usually headed for Gibson's Drive-In on Winbourne Avenue.  One of my funniest memories is of us deciding we needed to check out the new teen hang-out on Florida Boulevard - It's-Boss-A-Go-Go (I think that was the name of it).  Anyway, the only way our parents would let us go was if Linda's mother went with us.  Mrs. Turner sat on a stool and observed the goings on of the local teen scene.  To this day, I can still picture her perched on that bar stool holding her purse in her lap.  My favorite part of that story is that Linda wasn't the slightest bit embarassed that we were only ones there accompanied by a parent.  She was filled to the brim with self-confidence. I still miss her every day.   

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  I would have to say that Mrs. Mary Clare Skaggs had the most impact on my life.  She was such a classy lady, and I just adored her.  I baby sat for her three children a few times, and we became pretty close.  She tried to counsel me on some of my life choices.  Sadly, I did not take her advice, but it wasn't because she didn't try her best.  She and her husband moved to Virginia at some point, then retired to Diamondhead on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  She and her husband attended our 30th Reunion, and she looked wonderful.  Sadly, not too long after the Reunion, I learned of her death.  She was a beautiful person and a great teacher.  

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the past 40 years?
A.  I went white water rafting, flew in a helicopter, walked behind Niagra Falls. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Our end of the year Play.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Millie Williams.  She was the most understanding and patient teacher, and never raised her voice to get everyone to listen when she spoke. 

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What branch?  Did you serve in Viet Nam or in any other conflict?
A.  No, the only conflict I served in was 34 years, 6 months, 27 days and some ongoing hours of marriage ...  (he's only kidding Terry.  mrp)

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years? 
A.  Spending Valentines weekend in Paris with my wife and 2 other couple friends ... both of those couples are now divorced ... Hmmmmm?  (again, he's only kidding Terry.  mrp)

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Graduating from the Harvard Business School and retiring after 30 years as the Corporate Director of Human Resources and Administration at a Fortune 200 Company.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  An encounter I had with Mr. Stewart ... although I really didn't realize it until many years later.  You see, following our graduation ceremony, as I walked off the football field, I came face to face with Mr. Stewart.  He (having served as disciplinarian throughout our high school years) and I had many more "business interactions" than I can count or care to admit.  But as we met that night on the edge of the track, perhaps for the last time, he reached out and grabbed my hand, totally enveloping it in his, shook it vigorously and said "congratulations Darrell, now go out and do something positive to contribute to the world."  Well, I'm not sure what my response was --- probably thank you -- or maybe some smart-ass additional comment like "yeah, I'll work on that."  But I've always remembered what he said.  Years later, in the early '90's, I was in Tiger Stadium the night Mr. Stewart was honored as the All-Century Team Best Center celebrating 100 years of LSU Tiger Football.  The full back cover of the the Football Program that night was dedicated to him.  It discussed how he was an All-American Center in the mid-30's, had been inducted into the LSU Hall of Fame, and was drafted in '37 in the second round by the Chicago Bears.  What it did not say, I learned after some research ... remember no internet back then (Al Gore had not invented it yet), was that Mr. Stewart turned down a career in professional football to serve our country for 33 years in the United States Marine Corps.  Imagine that, a football star, a long term military veteran, a man who could have retired on his laurels, BUT ... came to Istrouma High School to mold us into positive contributors ... good citizens ... future leaders.  Mr. Stewart had a full life, living to the ripe old age of 97 ... spending his final years in Pebble Beach, CA.  He's been gone less than a year now, but the world lost a hell of a man with the passing of Mr. Stewart in August of '09 - a man who did positive things to contribute to the world  - a man who practiced what he preached.  Back during our high school days if you said you did not have much interaction with Mr. Stewart I would have told you that you were lucky ... today I would say that I am the lucky one. 

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. Marvin "Moose" Stewart ... SEE ABOVE!! 

Q.  Please share with ur any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  My children are all of the above.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The pep rallies.  They rocked.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Our home ec teacher,  Mrs. Ouida Hiroms.

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What Branch?  Did you serve in Viet Nam or in any other conflict?
A.  Yes, Army.  Served in Viet Nam. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Getting married!  Also ... touring in Europe and skiing.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Becoming a nurse after 20 years in the Army.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Chorus trip to Look Out Mountain.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Ms. Gail Brueck

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What branch? 
A.  I served in the Army reserves for 6 years, but no active duty.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I had an offshore boat and went scuba diving and spear fishing around the oil rigs for about 12 years - Very Exciting!

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I am raising an 11 year old son by myself, and I am very proud of him.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.. Graduating (LOL). 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Being a dependable father to my children.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Mu Sigma trip to New York and Washington DC

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Ken Shaw - Honors Physics.  He is one of my most enduring and cherished friends and the fact that we have been close personal friends for 42 years says it all. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Scuba diving and bungy jumping.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I received my BS Degree with the University of Phoenix on-line is 2004.  BSB-E Business and a Training and Development Certification in 2010.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  Not fondest, but very vivid, was the day I received an award for school service which I did not expect.  I had to come down the bleachers wearing a very short dress.  I was very shy and very embarassed about that.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?

A.  I enjoyed art and recently became an abstract artist.  I also enjoyed PE, especially the trampoline and gymnastics.  I took a gymnastic class as an adult and am still able to do back bends. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Working and raising children at the same time has been, by far, the most adventurous thing I've done.  Bert and I also travel every summer.  We loved Alaska the most!

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I taught at IHS under Mr. Stewart's principalship and I lived to tell it!

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory or high school?
A.  Does anyone remember Ronnie Woodruff running the entire length of the football field at Memorial Stadium to score?  I really didn't understand the game, but I knew wonderful when I saw it!!

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Ouida Hiroms was my greatest influence.  I taught Home Ec all those years.  A day didn't go by that I didn't think of her. 

Q.  How far will you be traveling to attend the reunion?
A.  About 2,000 miles

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I visited Banf in Calgary, Canada.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I graduated from the University of South Carolina.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  I enjoyed being a Pepsterette.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Mary Clare Skaggs

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years? 
A.  I opened my own bridal store which I ran for 11 years -  7 years from my home and 4 years in a store front - while working my other job full time.  I sold it when I retired.  I was also in The Blind Side as an extra, the parent of one of the main graduates (who was my real son).

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, adhievements or honors.
A.  For one, I won a (Green) award from The Coca-Cola company for an Idea Share idea.  After a major reorganization of the company when a couple thousand people lost their jobs, one whole buiding was emptied and the supplies were going to be gotten rid of.  I suggested that they be harvested, sorted and recycled to a central location in the complex so that all offices that needed them could go there and select what they needed as oppposed to placing a new order.  I won $1000 for the best idea that month.  At the end of that year, it was announced that my idea had already saved the company over $30,000.  I won the Idea Share idea of the year and I was given an all-expense paid trip to Disney World, air fare, time off from work and $1500 cash.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  There are many, but these three came to mind first ...

1.  The time the drums were played all day on the roof for school spirit, and we could hear them all day long in most of our classes.  It did create spirit.

2. It was during a band concert that I believe was in honor of Fuzzy Brown.  Bobby Campo got up and played a solo on the trumpet and it was so phenomenol that everybody stood up and cheered for a very long time.

3.  One of the most hilarious things was during some after school study thing or meeting in Mrs. Mitchell's class.  A bunch of boys went outside at the horseshoe outside of the office and picked up Mrs. Mitchell's Volkswagen and moved it to a different parking spot.  I laughed my head off.  It was hilarious and I still laugh about it today ... but she did not laugh.  When she went out and her car was moved, she made them go back out there and move it back.  I laughed again!  Will the guilty parties please stand up!!!

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  There are two.  Mrs. Mildred Graves:  She taught me how to type fast and accurately and excellent business skills.  She walked around with a ruler and popped wrists if we held them up too high, thus teaching us speed and accuracy that has benefitted me all of my career.  I think of her and am grateful to her all the time.  Also, Miss Norma Roy:  She was an awesome pepster sponsor.  She demanded perfection from us, and got it.  She was also an artist and a great art teacher.  Also, in her class I met Ben, who I married.  I also won the art award that year and she helped me get a scholarship to LSU for art.  We have always "blamed", I mean credited, her with our meeting and getting married. 

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What branch?  Did you serve in Viet Nam or any other conflict?
A.  Yes.  I served in the Air Force during the Viet Nam era, but served in Frankfurt, Germany at RheinMain Air Force Base.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years.
A.  I took our son to a movie set where he was going to be in a movie, and I wound up being in it also.  The movie was "Sweet Home Alabama" with Reese Witherspoon.  Our son has been in a lot of movies as extras and stand-ins.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Serving in the US Air Force.  I also drove a church bus for 14 years, picking up homeless men at a shelter, underpriviledged children and adults, and special needs adults, and bringing them to church every Sunday morning and Wednesday nights.

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Joanne Mitchell.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The Friday night football games ... the crowds.  (High schools don't have them like we used to).  The school spirit.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Remaining married to the same French gal.  Still walking upright and breathing on my own!

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Graduation - thinking "what will I do next???"

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Jo Anne Mitchell.  Caring, considerate, cute, excellent teacher, and Red Headed TOO! 

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What branch?
A.  Yes, US Air Force.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I went to Hawaii and cruised around all the main islands with my wife of 39 years.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Ran and completed four marathons and lived to tell about it!  (Not bad for a fat boy!!)

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  Graduation night and a great after party!!

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. Hubert Belisle.  He was a great mentor and taught me to never give up on myself nor my goals. 

Q. What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  After completing my doctorate in August of 1980, I took a faculty position with the University of Maryland European Division, teaching university courses in management and psychology on US military installations throughout Western Europe.  I remained in the position from August 1980 through December 1982, teaching in Germany, Spain, The Netherlands and Italy.  This afforded me the opportunity to live in foreign countries and experience multiple cultures.  It also resulted in my marriage to a Belgium woman, Colette, to whom I am still married.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Probably my most significant accomplishment is related to education.  I was not particularly interested in education in high school and never put out much effort.  I was very ill-prepared for college.  My first year or so at the university was likewise unimpressive.  I was uninspired and uninspiring.  Somehow I changed.  I not only discovered the joy of learning, but I embraced the lifestyle of a student.  I remained a university student for 10 years, culminating in a BS, MA and PhD degree.  The university involvement and educational achievements allowed me to have incredible life experiences.  I am an instructor in the College of Business at LSU, holding an endowed professorship in the management department.  I am also a licensed industrial-organizational psychologist.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  If I must choose a single high school memory it would have to be my junior of year of high school when I was running track, partying excessively and had a series of physical illnesses (flu, strep throat, bronchitis, etc.)  I went to the doctor for a foot injury and he decided to do an EKG and chest X-Ray.  The X-Ray revealed a badly enlarged heart.  I was hospitalized for a couple of weeks and was compelled to complete my junior year with a home tutor.  The following year I was allowed to return to high school, but was "excused" from gym class.  The diagnosed heart condition, from which I fully recovered, resulted in a medical exemption for military service (a 1Y classification).  This is the reason I was not drafted for the Viet Nam war.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  This is a tough one.  I was so disinterested in school, I cannot in good faith say any high school teacher had a significant effect on me.  I remember with fondness Mr. Badeaux in woodwork, Ms. Zagami in Art, Ms. Fowler in English, and Mr. Porta (an assistant principal as I recall).  

Q.  Did you serve in the military?  What branch?  Did you serve in Viet Nam or in any other conflict?
A.  Yes, I was in the US Air Force.  I was not in Vietnam, but did serve during that time, and am therefore a Vietnam era Veteran.  

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  After raising children, I purchased my motorcycle.  I enjoy long-distance riding and have traveled to many states.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  11th grade, Ms. Crooks.  Her honesty and "matter-of-fact" way of conducting class was the inspiration. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Backpacked through Europe (in 1983 when it was safe!)

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A. I worked as Cost Engineer for major engineering company and was able to travel quite a bit.  I have two boys, both at LSU.  I am married to a great man with 4 girls.  We have 8 grandkids with many more to come (hopefully). 

Q.  What is your fondest of most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The senior play ... partnered with Darrell Guitreau.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  My husband and I have flown in a helicopter to land on a glacier in Alaska, to see an active volcano in Hawaii, and to see the Grand Canyon.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I have owned a mortgage company and a Curves Health Club.  I have been a real estate agent for 15 years. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Graduation night and how much fun we had doing our senior skit.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Jo Anne Mitchell ... she was not only an excellent teacher, but was very perceptive in what was going on in my life.  I thank her for that. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I am the owner of Dan Solid Surfaces, Inc.  I am doing showcases at Ric Seeling's Dance Studio with my teacher Courtney Black.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school. 
A.  Going to New York and performing in the Macy's Parade.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Jo Anne Mitchell.  She was lots of fun and a fantastic teacher. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years? 
A.  Two things - I spent over 5 years living in a motorhome and traveling all over the USA, and I started a retirement career as a home-based travel agent.

Q.  What is your most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Bye Bye Birdie.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I traveled to Europe, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, antiquing, touring museums and countrysides, going to operas and plays.  Restored 1900 Victorian home and 1905 bank in Slaughter which is now on the National Register. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I earned a BS from LSU in 1975.  I am a Master Tree Farmer with the National Tree Farm Association of my 405 acre pine plantation.  Helping many foster children and teaching special needs children. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Running for State Future Business Leaders state treasurer and attending the national convention, as well as being one of the Key Club sweethearts involved with their community service.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Jo Anne Mitchell, little red, was a wonderful mentor to encourage and expending your horizons.  "Never say never." 

Q.  How long have you been retired? 
A.  According to Leanne, Woody's wife, he has been retired all his life - but he still goes to work everyday.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?  
A.  When Ricky Guisinger threw my pencil out of the window in Coach Drummond's class.  It landed on the ledge and I crawled out to get it.  Ricky shut the windows and I was stuck on the ledge until Coach Drummond came and let me in. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Raising two very different children was an adventure daily, and to see your child in the eyes of your grandchildren always bring back wonderful memories.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Mu Sigma trip to New York at Thanksgiving.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  I loved Mrs. Skaggs who was my English teacher!  I really wanted to be a teacher just like her; however, I followed a diferent path in life.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?

A.  In Feruary of 2000, my husband and I completed our adoption journey as we traveled to Russia for the adoption of our two infant sons.  We covered many miles over the course of 10 days to finalize Eric's and Jonathan's adoption.  Yes, it was like raising twins, and the last 10 years have been quite a ride!  Now we are entering the world of middle school. Yikes! 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I graduated from LSU in May of 1974 with a BS degree in Early Childhood Education.  I took a part-time summer job at LSU which was (little did I know) the first step in my career there.  I retired from LSU in May 2004 after 30 years.  This was the same time our sons were starting kindergarten, so I have had time to be directly involved in their school and education.  I guess my degree has come in handy after all.

Q.  Do you know of any achievements, accomplishments or honors one of our classmates might have, but might be too modest to share?
A.  In September 2003, Susan Doucet Davis retired from the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center after a long and distinguished career.  The Susan Doucet Davis Scholarship, an endowed scholarship, was established in honor of Susan by alumni and friends.  Those contributions were matched by the Thelma Bougere succession.  This scholarship is awarded annually based on financial need.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Pep Rallies, football games, and our great band.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Ouida Hiroms was a wonderful mentor to her students, and a number of us followed in her footsteps by obtaining our Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Raised a son who joined the Marines, spent a year without seeing him when he was overseas and having him achieve the rank of Sergeant.  Watching him become an outstanding husband to his beautiful wife Jennifer, becoming an outstanding father and working with us managing the Inside Sales/Rental Department.  Also, adopting (informally) a daughter at the age of 16, getting her back in and through high school, living with us through a pregnancy, having a granddaughter and getting her out on her own to become an outstanding mother. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Being a part of a growing business (J M Test Systems) going from 2 people to 150 employees with 5 locations in Louisiana and Texas.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  Istrouma football games in Memorial Stadium.  (Bringing Cherry Sloe Gin Cokes to Robin Alonzo to keep him from freezing).

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Skaggs, Senior English. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  My wife and I went on our first cruise to Mexico in 2010. 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  My wife and I along with several of her talented family members built our dream log home (in Cheyenne, Wyoming) in 1988. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The fun we all had in Mrs. Turner's French class.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Mitchell our English teacher.  She expressed her free spirit in a way that made us feel comfortable about ourselves.  She could relate to us and allowed each of us to express ourselves without worry.  I truly believed most students loved her teaching ability and personality.  That's funny ... I'm married to an English teacher with similar qualities and values.

Q.  How long have you been married to the same person?
A.  I married Jack Harless in 1971 - we were married for 3-1/2 years.  THEN ... I married him again on May 22, 2010.  As of the date of the Reunion, July 17th, we will have been married for 8 weeks!!

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Travel and ride motorcycles with Jack!!

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors. 
A.  My greatest accomplishments are my 2 children, Kelly (23) and Vince (21). 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  In 2000, my son, Brandon, and nephew, Ryan Gill, were both on the ULL baseball team that went to the College World Series.  We spent 10 fantastic days in Omaha with all the crazy Ragin' Cajuns.  It was a wonderful experience!

As far as adventure, years ago a group of families (kids included) went white water rafting and the men convinced all the women that we didn't need experienced guides in each of our rafts (must be a man thing).  I haven't gone again since and probably never will ... does that tell you something about how my adventure went?

Also, in 2008, Darrell and I and my two sisters and brother-in-law spent 16 days in Italy.  The guys didn't want to go with a tour group (again, it must be a man thing.)  Besides having our hotels pre-booked and a few tours and transfers pre-arranged, we were virtually on our own.  I must say it turned out to be a great adventure!

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  None, other than having been maried to Darrell for 37 years.  We dated for 5 years before that.  So, for 42 years we have managed to put up with one another ... now that's a great accomplishment!

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  I would have to say being a cheerleader and all the fun I had at the games and pep rallys.  In fact, I still have my old uniform (***and it probably still fits her -mrp) and megaphone to remind me of those good old days!  Go Indians!   

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  No one in particular comes to mind other than Mrs. Ouida Hiroms.  I'll never forget the day I was in her Home Ec Class and she let a telephone call come through to me from my mom letting me know my sister, Libby, had just given birth to twins.  I always thought that was so nice of her. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  My first airplane trip was to Hawaii.  I was terrified of flying and had never flown, but after my daughter moved to Hawaii with my 4 month old grandson, I had to go!  (I think I would have flown on the outside of the plane to get to them.)  After I retired, I spent a total of 6 months in Alaska with my daughter prior to the birth of my second grandchild (her husband is career military).

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I contributed to many advancements during my 33 year career in administration at the Department of Corrections, but my most enduring accomplishment is that I raised two wonderful daughters to be moral, well educated and confident young women.  Carrie is a supportive wife to a career military officer and a stay-at-home mom.  Alaina is a middle school English teacher who works hard at molding young lives every day.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  1.  When the drums were played all day on the roof and we marched through the halls and stairwells during spirit week.  We had (and still have) spirit, pride, and history that can never be repeated!  Little did we know that we were the end of an era that included three generations of Indians!
     2.  During an assembly, Bobby Campo played a trumpet solo that was so stunning that everyone stood up and cheered for a long time.  I really wish I could remember the name of the song, but he could play that trumpet as if it were singing the words.
     3.  Mr. Melvin had "Doc" Severinson (from the Tonight Show) come and speak to the band.  I don't remember if I got to go because I was a pepster or just "happened" to have that period free, but it was exciting to get to see him.  This also brings to mind just how hard we worked on those half-time shows.  Band, pepsters, and pepsterettes, we were all miserable together in the heat and with the mosquitos at both the day and night practices, but it was fun and great memories.  Mr. Melvin and Ms. Roy did a pretty good job with trying to help us learn self-discipline. 

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  We had a lot of great teachers who contributed to our development in different ways.  If I had to pick one, I'd say Mrs. Jo Anne Mitchell.  She expected everyone to do his or her best and to have integrity.  (I really appreciate Darrell Guidroz sharing the information about Mr. Stewart.  He was strict, but I believe he wanted us to develop responsibility.) 

Q.  How long did you work for the same company?
A.  I retired from the E.B.R.Parish Sheriff's office after 33 years of service ... Motorcycle Division, Uniform Patrol, Detectives, Crime Scene Division Commander, AFIS Latent Fingerprint System, Prisoner Transport, Family Violence.  I had all the excitement I could stand.  Retirement is good, but boring sometimes.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  Nothing really exciting, no real accomplishments.  I bought another bike after retirement and work/ride many fund raisers such as Muscular Dystrophy, Dreams Come True, St. Jude Children's Hospital, Special Olympics, Shriners Children Hospital.  I have always enjoyed my many scuba diving trips down to Cozumel, Mexico.  

Q.  What teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Gayle Brueck.  She always taught me not to start anything unless I was going to finish it.   

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years? 
A.  My biggest adventure began just after Katrina.  We stayed in Baton Rouge about 2 months, but grew tired of the commute to and from New Orleans.  We were trying to get business back up and running, gut the house, deal with contractors and insurance issues, so we decided to go home to New Orleans.  Our 2 high school aged daughters stayed in Baton Rouge to attend St. Joseph's Academy for the first semester because their school  was not going to reopen until January.

No rentals were available anywhere.  We borrowed an 18 foot Airstream camper and had it moved into our front yard.  No one else in the neighborhood was back yet, and the street lights were not on.  Tree branches, refrigerators, furniture, sheetrock and an assortment of other items removed from flooded houses lined the streets in piles about 8 feet high.  The National Guard patrolled the streets.  Any gas stations, stores or restaurants that were open now closed at 5:00 p.m..  It was like camping in a third world country.

We lived in the camper for about 3-1/2 months and, finally, on New Year's Eve, graduated to a FEMA trailer parked in the driveway.  We thought the FEMA trailer was so much bigger, but then the girls came home.  Living in a small trailer with 2 teenage girls and a dog is no easy task.  After another 11 months we were finally back in the house.


Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  My greatest accomplishment was raising 5 beautiful daughters.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The football games at Memorial Stadium.  I remember lines of slow moving traffic to and from the games with horns honking and people yelling out of their windows.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mrs. Jones the bookkeeping teacher opened the door to my career. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I traveled to Europe, Russia, Finland, Alaska and many of the contiguous states in the U.S.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors. 
A.  Besides marrying my sweetheart, I would have to say my experiences singing and entertaining on national television, stages and settings in the U.S. and abroad.  Music opened doors for me to meet many wonderful people and visit places I probably would never have seen had it not been for singing.  In 1976, I was invited to audition and be interviewed by NBC in NY for a job which was later filled by Jane Pauley.  I've met and worked with Bob Hope, Lawrence Welk, Bert Parks and a few other celebrities.  Awesome experiences!

Q.  Do you know of any achievements or honors one of our classmates might have, but might be too modest to mention?
A.  My dear friend, Dottie Romero Anklam, traveled and sang around the world.  I received pictures and cards from her as she traveled and even met up with her when she visited and performed in Wisconsin while I lived there.  

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  It's hard to pick just one.  There were the football and basketball games I attended,  "Bye, Bye Birdie", "Aladdin", "Rise and Shine" school productions, "The Light Touch" performances, choir concerts and competitions, Gayle Brueck (Hearne)'s choir trip to Tennessee, Mrs. Flo Turner's French class tour to Canada, and the Senior Trip to New York ... and I could go on and on.  

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why? 
A.  Miss Gayle Brueck (Hearne) was a shining example of how a lady should conduct herself.  Speak nicely and intelligently, walk tall and straight, smile a lot and ilsten intently to people when they speak to you.  Mrs. Betty Addison also had a profound influence on me.  Among other things, she taught me to believe in yourself, use the talents you have, and remember to laugh. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  A group of my Atlanta hiking buddies traveled to Germany to visit a friend who had worked in the Atlanta area then moved back home to Constance, Germany.  He hosted a hiking vacation for us where, on 9/15/2001, we flew to Europe on the first British Airways flight to leave Atlanta after 9/11.  Part of the time we stayed with him and some of his local friends.  The other part of the trip he arranged for us to hike to an amazing hostel in the mountains above Grindalwald, Switzerland.  The place was called "Faulhorn", and we literally had to hike through about 10 inches of an early snow to get there.  We were also able to travel to Austria, England and France.  We rode on a train that traveled approximately 160 mph (from Paris to Bern, Switzerland).  The train made a stop in what appeared to be a border village.  Authorities got on the train and looked at our passports.  When they questioned the man in the seat a row in front of mine, they escorted him off the train.  We didn't speak their language, so we couldn't understand what was happening, but we knew we needed to remain still and quiet (and we did).  My 15 day trip was an adventure that I treasure and will never forget.

Second most adventurous (and stupid) thing would be hitchhiking over 500 miles home (from land we owned near Jasper, Arkansas) to Baton Rouge.  This was in the 70's when people really hitchhiked.  Boy, I would never, never, never do that now!

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I admire those of you who were "more productive" than me in high school.  Somehow I didn't realize the virtues of applying myself until long after high school.  In my home we were brought up to finish high school, then marry, and that's what I did.  I met my first husband on graduation night then married him not long afterward.  Although I only briefly attended LSU, I was able to enjoy the 28-8 victory over Notre Dame (1971, I think) and the amazing victory over Ole Miss (wasn't it 17-16?) with the 4-second/1-second clock.  That desire to get a college degree is still in me.  At age 57, although I've taken classes from time to time, I haven't completed this task ... yet.

Q.  Do you know of any achievements or honors one of our classmates might have, but might be too modest to mention?
A.  Linda (Patterson) Phillips (my childhood friend and now my sister-in-law) has influenced my life probably more than anyone.  First, she is someone who pursued her LSU degree a few years after high school while raising a son (totally on her own) and, I think, while working.  She has gone on to have a successful career and has traveled globally (both for career and pleasure).  I have to thank her for my Christian faith and my husband (both first and second).  She was there the night I met my first husband (graduation night), and she was instrumental in my "re-meeting" and marrying my second husband, Doug, who I married in 2004 and who happens to be her brother.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  I only skipped school once.  My friend, Kathy Story, and I chose not to stay at school.  We went to her house.  When we looked out the window, there was my mother marching down Kathy's driveway.  I had to meet with Coach Porta and write a paper.  If we had been boys, I guess we would have "gotten licks"!  Needless to say, I never skipped school again.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Probably Coach Porta, because he's the one I had to see when I skipped school.  Actually, his wife, Mrs. Porta was the teacher I remember most, but it was from earlier years than Istrouma.  She was my 6th grade teacher at Brookstown Elementary School.  She moved up to Prescott Junior High and was my 7th grade home room teacher.  She was a teacher who took time to talk to a 12-year-old who was going through a struggle at home.

Q.  How long have you been married (to the same person)?
A.  I have been married to Rudy Ortiz for 6 years.  I took me 52 years to find this "Love of my Life"!  We met on-line and, though I met a few "frogs" along the way, this prince of a man was worth the wait!  He encouraged me to go back to school, and every day tells me I am beautiful and that he loves me.  He is my cheerleader and coach and, for me, life began at 52!

Q.  How far will you be traveling to attend the reunion?
A.  I was living in Salt Lake City (1,700 miles) for the last 6-1/2 years, but we recently moved to Little Rock, Arkansas (370 miles).  After being away from the Deep South (translation: humid south) since 1985, I am adjusting pretty well.  100 degrees with 20% humidity is quite different than 100 degrees at 80%humidity). 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I think the most adventurous thing I have done in the last 40 years was to use the internet to find my husband.  And it paid off!!

Q.  How far will you be traveling to attend the Reunion?
A.  550 miles.

Q.  Q.  Did you serve in the military?
A.  I retired as Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Public Health Commissioned Corps after 30 years.

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  My greatest adventure was working as youth pastor for 6 years in a local church and taking teenagers on mission trips and seeing lives be transformed by the power of God.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  My greatest achievement has been disciplining men in my local church to be better men, husbands and fathers.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  My fondest high school memory was when I committed my life to Jesus Christ as a senior at Winbourne Avenue Baptist Church.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. John MaGee, my 10th grade Civics teacher had the greatest influence in my high school experience.  He was the first teacher to inspire me to improve my grades and he encouraged me out of my wall flower academic experience. 

Q. What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  4 wheel drive up the canyon walls from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon in Canyonlands National Park, hiking in Glacier National Park and encountering a grizzly.  The most memorable is hiking through a very narrow slot canyon for 9 miles near Moab, Utah and, after 5 miles of scrambling over boulders and crawling or being pulled across some blocked areas I came to the painful and infuriating realization that I was not in shape to scale one more boulder or wall.  But after a cry, a hug and a fig newton was able to reach inside and morphed into a manic, driven hiker that nothing could stop.  The last 4 miles were accomplished at my lead at a very fast pace and there was no boulder or ledge that I couldn't scale.  I think my husband thought I totally lost my mind.  I just had something to prove to myself.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I am CIO (Chief Information Officer) of a 500 billion dollar company, am a pretty good grandmother and parent, a pretty good daughter, married to my best friend and after many years I overcame my high school baggage I carried for being too skinny, too tall, too dorky, too poor, too ugly and too introverted!  Now I deal with the too-fat, too-old, too-gray, and I-want-to-retire-before-I-die baggage.  Perfection is not attainable! 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school? 
A.  On graduation night Kathleen Wills and I went cruising downtown.  A car with three college guys pulled up at a light on Florida Boulevard and invited us to a party at their apartment in Tigerland.  We were considered "Jesus Freaks" (that means you dressed like hippies, but got high on God!!).  Of course, these guys didn't know this.  We went and picked up our buddy Larry Stockstill (now the pastor of Bethany), and my brother Doug.  Of course, there was no party when we arrived at the apartment, and I think the guys were surprised that we actually showed up!  We shared our message with them, and one of the guys started coming to Bethany.  Kathleen later married him and had two beautiful children.  After a long marriage they divorced and a few years ago she and my brother, who was single, got reacquainted and married!!   So it was a night to remember.  Our lives were forever changed because of graduation night.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Probably Mrs. Mitchell.  I had never known a teacher who liked to inflict physical pain on the guys by pulling their hair for any infraction.  It was never a dull class. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?  
A.  Getting married, having kids, and being able to love my Grandkids so much.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  Same as above.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  Getting drunk at the football and basketball games.   

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I lobbied Congress for funds for the LSU Law Center;  I established a bi-annual swearing in ceremony of LSU Law graduates at the U.S. Supreme Court; and I work on the staff of the Heisman Trophy Ceremony in New York City.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  I survived 5 stepchildren from 2 marriages.  Also, upon my retirement from the LSU Law Center, a scholarship was established by the law alumni in my name.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  The New York City trip.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. Owen taught me to enjoy math.  It allowed me to be conservative enough to retire at age 51! 

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements or honors.
A.  SELF SATISFACTION!  I am known on False River as the "Party Camp" , which does not project the "Image" that I prefer.  From a distance, these strangers see people - cars, and assume drinking; but what they don't see are ----- Kids that are playing in and on the water - learning to ski, swim, etc - most of all just having FUN.  Myself, seeing these kids introduced to things for the first time because their parents had never taken the time to do anything with them, and myself knowing HOW MUCH THEY APPRECIATE SOMEONE DOING THIS FOR THEM! 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  On our Senior Trip when the boys got in trouble the first night, and then had to make sure no boys misbehaved; then learning when we got back how much the girls had gotten away with by doing a little pre-planning!!!!!!

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mel Sinquefield  

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  The most adventurous thing I've ever done is go trekking in the Himalayas of Kashmir, India.  I first visited India in 2001 when I met a volunteer group there to teach English in northern India.  I had such an amazing time that I went back in 2003 and 2007 to visit a family I'd met on the first trip.  I stayed in Kashmir a month each time and had the most amazing cultural experience you could imagine.  I stayed in a houseboat on Dal Lake, went to Kashmiri weddings and went from Srinagar to Ley by Jeep.  But, the most amazing thing for me was going trekking for a week high in the mountains.  There were no services of any kind so we brought all the food and supplies.  The scenery was incredibly beautiful - unspoiled by human hands.  It was almost spiritual and I'm so thankful to have had the experience.

Q.  Please share with us any of your accomplishments, achievements of honors.
A.  My greatest accomplishment is watching my daughter grow up to be a wonderful young woman.  She is kind and caring and I'm so proud of her. I've also been blessed with a very fulfilling career as a teacher.  It was wonderful to watch young children learn so much throughout the year.

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  I loved the football games and all the spirit activities.  I also have many wonderful memories of our Senior trip.  

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  I really liked Mrs. Lillian Harelson and I learned so much from her class.  She taught 10th grade Biology and made it very interesting.


Q.  How long have you worked or did you work for the same company?
A.  I worked for Mobile Glass all my life, it's a family business that my father started in 1958.  Because of the business I was able to invest in the stock market, pay off my home and commercial property, and buy a couple of race horses that won at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans and Shreveport at Louisiana Downs. 

Q.  What is the most interesting or adventurous thing you have done in the last 40 years?
A.  I was invited to attend a Johnny Rivers concert in Los Angeles, CA and met Rivers in his dressing room after the concert.  We talked about Baton Rouge a bit and I got him to sing some of "Raining In My Heart" for me. 

Q.  What is your fondest or most vivid (specific) memory of high school?
A.  My fondest times at Istrouma involve the many friends I made.

Q.  Which teacher/coach influenced you or had the most impact on your life and why?
A.  Mr. Owens my Algebra and Trig teacher was so strict that I didn't cut up in his room at all.  Having the wrong attitude still embarasses me to this day.  Mr. Owens brought out in me the discipline that I was lacking.